When Allison from {long distance loving} announced that this week's "Friday Fancies" would be the theme, "Date Night" I had to jump on the bandwagon immediately!
It's quite fitting considering I will be going home and having a weekend with my main man! Of course, we will have to plan out a date night...so with the help of Polyvore and the "Friday Fancies" link up, I can dream up my ideal date night outfit!
Since Spring is in full swing, and Summer is just around the corner, I decided I would put together a romantic, flowy, ultra adorable maxi dress outfit for you guys. I NEED to get a maxi dress ASAP...maybe even this one. I am drooling over it!

Sadly, the weather in Wisconsin is not looking nice enough the debut an outfit like this. It looks like my actual outfit will be looking more like jeans and a cute top.
Sadly, the weather in Wisconsin is not looking nice enough the debut an outfit like this. It looks like my actual outfit will be looking more like jeans and a cute top.
Maybe something like this...?

Something casual might work best BECAUSE...
I'm planning on making dinner again!
So maybe a casual night is what's in store :)
This brings me to my next order of business!
I have been looking through my Pinterest board, yum. but have come up a little short {due to my sweet tooth, and eagerness to pin all things sweet!}
I totally have dessert covered! But I need a main dish!
I was thinking maybe this...?
Grilled Fish Tacos

Do you guys have any recipe suggestions? I would love to hear about them!!
I hope you all have wonderful "date nights" this weekend!
Take time for your Lord and Savior during the next couple of days too :)