Hey, here’s a question for you, where’s Dalton McGuinty in all of this? Why hasn’t he stepped in and said “That’s enough, everyone go home, I’m running this ship until we find some people who actually value and respect their positions around here”. I mean this has got to be embarrassing for him as well. Do you think the other Provincial Premiers make fun of him at their bowling outings and picnics? “Hey Dalton, your capital sure has their shit together, heckle heckle heckle”…..”Hey Dalton, who’s the “Big Guy” got on the verge of striking this month”? I bet even Stephen Harper, in all his professionalism, can’t help but forward each and every BBM pic he comes across dealing with incompetence Daltons way. Does the Premier have to keep such a watchful eye on Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa? Does he have to babysit and weigh in on their “somehow ridiculously difficult but shouldn’t really be” transit issues? (And I’m only discussing transit here, obviously because that’s all that directly affects me, but rest assured “The Big Slice” has gaggle screwed everyone in the city from garbage collectors to firemen, and even sweet old librarians as well for Christ’s sake). I bet he doesn’t, and who wants to know why? Because that city didn’t fall for the premise of an “everyday regular guy” running for their Mayor. That’s why. And I’m not holding the people of Toronto that voted for Ford responsible for this either, because as I said once before, it really was a noble effort, and no one could have possibly scene this coming. I don’t think in the history of bureaucracy anyone elected has actually been this horrible at what they did. If I wasn’t caught up in it personally, I would find it terribly humorous myself. I wonder if people over in Europe and Japan read the international news, and laugh their asses off at the “jimmy rig” that is Toronto’s political environment. If I were one of them, I’d say to myself, “Man, that’s all they have to offer in the way of news out of Toronto? That’s kind of funny, but at the same time kind of depressing”.
Here’s what I would suggest, if of course I was the kind of guy to offer my 2 cents in places where my 2 cents aren’t required. Council; Think for yourselves, vote on what you believe and don’t get caught up in high school drama like the bunch of followers you are starting to really look like. You are in the positions you are in because you are supposed to be leaders. So lead. It’s that simple.
And for our beloved Mayor; Shut the dog fuck up. Think before you speak. Whoever your handlers are, they’re horrible at their jobs. Seriously, if Toronto’s council votes favorably for something, anything for that matter, don’t go on radio the next day and say, “Whatever, I’m going to do what I want to do anyway, because I’m the Mayor”, (it’s a paraphrase but not by much). That’s about a par 3 away from being a Dictatorship, and although I’m not going to bother looking it up to be 100% sure, I’m pretty positive that shit’s not allowed over here. Oh, and one more thing. Why is it that every Monday, when I turn on the news, I have to see your dump truck of a body getting on a scale and weighing in with your equally robust brother? Seriously, on a Monday morning no one downtown has anything better to do than to assemble a cast of cameras and reporters and watch two fat guys weigh themselves? That shit is downright hilarious. Your fat, you know it, we know it, and guess what, some of us, myself included, could stand to lose a few pounds too, but do it on your own god damn time, and don’t think for a second that anyone with a Loonie in their pocket gives a shit what you weigh when your city is in the fucking mess that it is in. Get off the scale, get back to work (for a change) and stay off my god damn T.V. until you can come up with something to say that actually deserves to be heard……
God I hate those fucking people. Hey, would you like to know who else I hate? I hate Bryan “I’m the worst G.M. the sports world has ever met” Colangelo. It’s clear he’s doing one of two things. He’s either A) Trying to personally insult my intelligence as a basketball fan, or B) He lost a bet somewhere down the line and now has to assemble the worst team the NBA has ever scene. Or maybe he’s not TRYING to do either of those things, but he is definitely DOING both of those things by fielding the team that he currently fields and not taking any steps towards making this team any better in the immediate, or for that matter, the distant future. Last week at the trade deadline he dealt our (not so) arguably best player for a second round draft pick next year. Do you have any idea what caliber of player you get in the second round of an NBA draft? You basically get me. Now, don’t get it twisted, I was a pretty damn decent baller in my prime, probably one of the best players most of you will ever meet. But I’m not wrecking shop in the league now am I? I was curious earlier today so I did some research and tried to come up with who I thought was the best player the Raptors ever selected in the second. In my opinion, and for all intents and purposes, the only opinion that matters, the best pick they have had there historically was…….. JIMMY KING. Now, if you’re not familiar with Jimmy King, don’t feel bad, because he’s actually the answer to a trivia question no one not named Brad, ever gets right. Jimmy King was the fifth member of the fabled Michigan Wolverines “Fab Five”, and in college he was “ahhhhhhhh” at best. In the NBA however, he averaged 4.5 points per game over an illustrious 2 season career where he played in a total of 64 contests. So Mr. Colangelo essentially traded Leandro Barbosa, the only real determined talent ( I say determined talent because obviously Derozan, Bargnani and whomever else you want to point to right now has talent, yet no determination) for a player that probably will never be nearly as good as our best second rounder, Jimmy King. Can someone, anyone, please tell me how Bryan Colangelo got re-upped on his contract? He’s making a mockery out of my home team and I don’t like it one bit. With every move he makes it seems only one thing is clear, he’s not trying to win. Hell, he’s not even trying to lose. He’s trying to lose at a clip that has previously never been experienced at a professional level. I called what? 22 wins for the Raps this season? Does anyone remember? It was 20 or 22… anyway, what does it matter, I have yet to even watch half a Raptors game thus far, and those that know me, know that’s unfathomable.
Anyway, I only have 100 words or so left, so let us end this week on a funny note shall we. Meet this guy……
He got on my bus about 11:00pm-ish on St Patrick’s Day. Between that time and 3 am when backup had to come and drag him off, he assumed this position……
Hopefully I’ll see you all back here next week, and in the event that I don’t make it in, just assume the weather was great, she was cute, and love was made…………......... Until next time…………………..